Having scratch built ¼ models for some time I had to take a sabbatical for a couple of years and now I’m back model building again. The only difference is that I downsized my residence and, as a result, can’t build big models now. Still wishing to build scale but having no place to keep volatile liquids, I’ve gone over to electric.
Having had to take some EE classes in College, which I didn’t like, I’m having to learn over again. Not fun!
I live, basically, in two locations, one in Mt. Vernon and the other in Kenmore (North end of Lake Washington). I have two workshops as a result. In Kenmore I’m building a 1/6th scale BalsaUSA Sopwith Pup. In Mt. Vernon I’m building a 1/6thscale Fokker DR 1., also BalsaUSA. I have to add that I haven’t built from a kit in a very longtime and the BalsaUSA kits were a revelation. Fantastic! You have to see one to understand. In any event I’ll try to send in photos as I go along. Be aware though that I started on these kits some time ago so you get in at the middle.
I hope you enjoy the ride!!